Financial Protection
Booking with Sudest is safe and secure. We understand that feeling secure about your booking is of the utmost importance. When making a booking with Sudest you can be sure that your money is safe with us.
Sudest is a fully bonded Italian intermediary agent. In the case of insolvency or bankruptcy, consumers are entitled to a reimbursement of the price paid and repatriation in the case of overseas travel. This guarantee ensures that if you have booked through Sudest, your holiday is financially protected.
Peace of Mind
Relax and enjoy your holiday without worrying about anything! You are dealing with a reliable company who adhere to the strictest industry standards. We are a fully bonded company and have been in business for years. Rest assured that booking with us offers complete peace of mind.
Safe Payments
You can trust us during every step of the way. All payments are made through a secure payment system we work with. Credit card payments are accepted, which offer that extra sense of security. Several guests have been happy with the booking procedure and security offered by Sudest.