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Privacy Policy

Users are invited to read this Privacy Policy which applies to the navigation of this site and to the purchase of products on it or to the use of the services or other features offered on the Site. Users are also invited to read the General Conditions of ” use of the Site and the Cookie Policy, which provide further information relating to the privacy policy and the security systems adopted by the Site.

The Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy of the site have been updated to the provisions of art. 13 of the new European regulation 679/2016 (GDPR).


The company SUDEST SOLUTIONS registered legal office at 5, Via Alessandria, 96100 Siracusa (SR) – VAT N. 02082040896, trading as Sudest Homes – – email


Navigation data (technical cookies)

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this site acquire, in normal operation, some data which are then implicitly transmitted in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This is information which by its nature could, through associations and processing with data held by third parties, allow users / visitors to be identified (e.g. the IP address, the operating system installed on the user’s device, the browser with the which browsing is carried out, the time at which browsing takes place, the pages visited and the links selected within the latter, the duration of viewing of the individual pages, the websites of origin)

These data, in anonymous form, are used only for statistical information and to check the correct functioning of the site.

Third party cookies

For this particular type of cookies, please refer to our cookie policy, which you can find at the following link.

Data provided voluntarily by users / visitors:

If users / visitors, connecting to this site, provide their personal data to access the site services, this involves the acquisition, by the data controller, of the sender’s address and / or any other personal data that will be processed exclusively to respond to the request, or for the provision of the service.

The following categories of data are collected and processed on the site:

personal data, contact information;
No particular categories of personal data are processed.


The personal data of users of the Site are generally collected and processed in order to:

Manage user interaction with the Site, for example registration on the Site as well as the purchase and execution of the respective purchase and payment orders;
Fulfill obligations under European laws, regulations and standards and for the possible exercise of rights in court. For these activities the provision of data is necessary. Failure to provide it makes it impossible to execute the contract and provide the requested services. Consent for these processing purposes is not required;
Send communications aimed at the promotion and / or direct sale of products or services similar to those already purchased / enjoyed by the user (so-called “soft spamming”);
For marketing purposes, by telephone, traditional mail, e-mail, newsletters, text messages such as sms and MMS, chat and social networks, information and promotional material on the products of the Site, special initiatives and / or promotions.
It is always possible to oppose the receipt of promotional communications, in fact in each communication it is specified how to oppose the sending and no longer receive such communications. Providing data for marketing purposes, as specified above, is optional and any refusal will have no consequence with respect to requests for products, services and other features offered on the Site.


The processing of the user’s personal data has as justifications:

the legitimate interest of the data controller;
the execution of a contract of which the interested party is a party or the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same;
the user’s express consent.


The processing is carried out through electronic tools, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject.


The user’s personal data will be kept for the time strictly necessary in order to manage his interaction with the Website, as well as the purchase and execution of his orders, without prejudice to the data retention obligations required by law for purposes administrative, accounting and tax. In any case, the user’s personal data will be irreversibly deleted or anonymised after 10 years from the purchase made by the user, that is, after the limitation period to assert any contractual rights.

The data processed for marketing purposes will be irreversibly made anonymous after 24 months from the date of their registration, in accordance with the provisions of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.


Users’ personal data may be disclosed to authorities, public bodies, professionals, independent collaborators, also in associated form, commercial partners, i.e. third parties who provide services of a commercial, professional and technical nature for the management of the Site and the pursuit of the above purposes. specified. These third parties are provided only with the data necessary to execute the contract to which they are parties.

All the above subjects undertake to use the information received only for the processing purposes indicated above, to keep it confidential, intact and not available to unauthorized third parties. Furthermore, personal data may be disclosed pursuant to a provision of law or regulation or to execute an order from an administrative or judicial authority.

The third parties to whom the data are communicated treat them as owners, managers or processors, depending on the case, for the purposes indicated above and after having received documented instructions.

The data controller may transfer the data collected on the website to third countries outside the European Union. In this case, they will adopt adequate safeguards to ensure the protection and security of the transferred data.

User data is not disclosed.


Among the rights recognized to interested parties by EU Regulation no. 679/2016 include those of:

request access to personal data collected and information relating to them;
request the correction of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete ones;
request the cancellation of their personal data in the cases provided for by art. 17, paragraph 1 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016;
request the limitation of the processing of user data in the cases provided for in art. 18, paragraph 1 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016;
request and obtain that the user’s personal data processed in an automated way and acquired with the consent of the interested party or on the basis of a contract stipulated with the interested party are provided to the latter in a structured and readable format by automatic device, also in order to communicate such data to another data controller (right to data portability);
object at any time to the processing of their personal data in the cases provided for by art. art. 21 of the EU Regulation no. 679/2016.
withdraw consent at any time, but only in the hypothesis in which the processing is based on consent for one or more purposes and concerns common personal data (such as date and place of birth or place of residence) or particular categories of data (such as origin racial, political opinions, religious beliefs, health or sex life);
lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and for Italy to the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data (